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Get Connected

Sundays are important, but they're not everything. They prepare us for the real work of discipleship: becoming followers of Jesus, and this happens best when we do life together. We see this modelled in the life of Jesus who invested into the 12 disciples for three years so that they could carry on the work Jesus started. We cannot over emphasise the importance of belonging to a gospel-centred community. 


Community Groups are of critical importance to us and we cannot be obedient followers of Jesus unless we engage in an authentic, accountable disciple-making community where we learn to apply scripture, live as followers of Jesus and become the people God is calling us to be, making a difference in the world to God's glory.


The New Testament is filled with 'one another' commands that can only be fulfilled when we're doing life together. We have groups of different shapes and sizes. Contact us and we will help you find a group where you can belong.


Here are 3 ways you can give:


  1. Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT): You can make a one-time donation or set up a recurring payment directly from your bank account.

  2. Recurring Payment Setup: To ensure continuous support for our missions, you can easily set up automatic recurring payments from your bank account.

  3. SnapScan: We also accept contributions through SnapScan. Please scan the QR code to give.

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Bank: Investec Bank Limited

Account Number: 1001 164 1831

Branch: Grayston Drive

Branch Code: 580 105

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